Article 11 A contractual joint venture shall conduct its operational and managerial activities in accordance with the approved contract and articles of association for the contractual joint venture. 第十一条合作企业依照经批准的合作企业合同、章程进行经营管理活动。
( 1) Arbitration of all questions in dispute under this contract shall be al the choice Of either party and shall be in accordance with the International Arbitration Rules Of American Arbitration Association. 对在合同中一切有争议的问题是否付诸仲裁将由任何一方作出选择,并须按照美国仲裁协会的国际仲裁规则进行仲裁。
Inability to continue operations due to the failure of the party to fulfill its obligations prescribed in the contract and the Articles of Association; 双方中任何一方无力或不能履行本合同和章程所规定的义务,致使合营公司无法继续经营;
The parties to the venture may agree to omit a joint venture agreement and conclude only a joint venture contract and articles of association. 经合营各方同意,也可以不订立合营企业协议而只订立合营企业合同、章程。
Any other cause for dissolution of the joint venture under the joint venture contract and articles of association has cropped up. 合营企业合同、章程所规定的其他解散原因已经出现。
The joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties to the joint venture; 由合营各方授权代表签署的合营企业协议、合同和章程;
Inability to continue operations due to the failure of one of the contracting parties to fulfill the obligations prescribed by the agreement, contract or articles of association; 合营一方不履行合营企业协议、合同、章程规定的义务,致使企业无法继续经营;
Apart from these provisions that must be included in a labour contract as provided for in the preceding paragraph, A Critical Assessment for the Dispute Settlement Clause in the Articles of Association of Companies Listed outside the PRC Mainland-Prerequisite Clauses 劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外,评《到境外上市公司章程必备条款》关于争议解决的规定
The liquidation of the joint venture shall be handed in accordance with related state laws and administrative regulations and rules as well as the venture's contract and the articles of the association. 合作企业的清算事宜,依照国家有关法律、行政法规及合作企业合同、章程的规定办事。
Choosing the Type of Internal Contract of Specialized Forestry Cooperative Economic Organizations& Taking the Joint Defense Association in Protecting Forest in Youxi of Fujian Province as an Example 林业专业合作经济组织内部契约选择初探&以福建尤溪护林联防协会为例
The contract for establishing a foreign-funded advertising enterprise and articles of association; 设立外商投资广告企业的合同、章程;
In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of this Contract and the Articles of Association, the terms and provisions of this Contract shall prevail. 如果本合同与章程的条款和规定有任何冲突,应以本合同的条款和规定为准。
The revised contract or articles of association shall be submitted in case the amendments to the contract or articles of association are involved; 涉及合同、章程修改的,应报送修改后的合同、章程;
Article 17 The joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association shall come into effect when approved by the examining and approving agency. The same procedure shall apply when amendments are made. 第十七条合营企业协议、合同和章程经审批机构批准后生效,其修改时同。
In common with members of other professions, translators shall enjoy the right to form professional societies or unions. ( iii) The joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association executed by authorized representatives of each of the parties to the joint venture; 翻译工作者同其他自由职业者一样,有权组织职业协会或联合会。(3)由合营各方授权代表签署的合营企业协议、合同和章程;
Article 18 The examining and approving agency and the agency for registration and administration are responsible for supervising and investigating the implementation of the joint venture contract and articles of association. 第十八条审批机构和登记管理机构对合营企业合同、章程的执行负有监督检查的责任。
Letter of project suggestion on establishing a investment company in the form of joint venture, the feasibility study report, the contract, the articles of association signed by all the investors; 设立合资的投资性公司的项目建议书、投资各方签署的可行性研究报告、合同、章程;
After the obligee has concluded with the organization for collective administration of copyright a contract for collective administration of copyright and has performed the corresponding formalities pursuant to the articles of association, he shall become a member of this organization for collective administration of copyright. 权利人与著作权集体管理组织订立著作权集体管理合同并按照章程规定履行相应手续后,即成为该著作权集体管理组织的会员。
The remaining property after liquidation of the debts of the joint venture shall be distributed to the parties in proportion to their capital contribution, unless otherwise provided for in the joint venture agreement, contract or articles of association. 合营企业清偿债务后的剩余财产按照合营各方的出资比例进行分配,但合营企业协议、合同、章程另有规定的除外。
Article 101 The term of a joint venture shall be stipulated by the parties to the venture in the joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association. 第一百零一条合营企业的合营期限,由合营各方在合营企业协议、合同、章程中作出规定。
Nor could any of the foreign theories, which define it as contract, or the inherent right of the association, or the authorization from the state, explain the nature of our country's associations properly. 国内外学界的契约说、社会权利让渡说、社团固有权利说、国家授权说等各种观点,均无法正确阐释我国社团罚权力的本质。
They are only mentioned in the part of "the Introduction of the Association for the International United Private Law", the book" The international Commercial Affairs Contract General Rules of the International United Private Law Association ". 只有在《国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则》一书中关于国际统一私法协会简介中部分提到。
Contract management of class is a mode of management pursuing freedom and equality in association between students and homeroom teacher, aiming at achieving their mutual objectives of development in legal situation of the class. 班级契约管理是一种追求班主任与学生之间平等与自由交往,并要求班主任与学生在班级法理情境中实现彼此发展目标的管理模式。
The chapter one defines the concept of shares and shares transfer, discuss the subject, kind, conditions and procedure of shares transfer and the validity of the contract of shares transfer which breached the articles of association of the company and the duty of capital contribution. 第一章从股权与股权转让界定入手,在探讨有限责任公司股权转让的标的和种类、条件与程序的基础上,对有限责任公司股权转让进行了比较法研究。
The Uniform Player Contract of National Basketball Association is the important part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The contract gives explicit provisions between the management and the labor. NBA标准运动员合同是集体谈判协议的重要组成部分,合同对劳方和资方各自权利的行使及义务的履行都作出了明确规定。